Job Work Management

by Dhyey Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.

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A complete solution for Job Work Management with Dynamics 365 Business Central

Job work means undertaking any treatment or process by a company on goods/material belonging to another manufacturer or customer. wherein a customer supplies goods, typically in the form of raw materials/semi-finished parts, for processing. The job worker company receives the customer's raw materials, perform the necessary processing or manufacturing tasks, and then returns the transformed goods back to the customer.

In this scenario, the customer supplies raw materials at no cost (Zero inventory items). Job worker company utilize these materials to perform specific tasks, resulting in the production of a processed parts / finished product and send back to the customer with invoice for process.

Monitoring and controlling the movements of raw materials sent by customers is a vital requirement.

Job Work Management addon becomes significant in this context, as it involves using Job Work gate pass, to authorize the inward movement of materials into the organization's premises.


  • The system allows you to have control over the inward movement of materials within your premises.
  • Create inward job work material in item master as zero inventory item, so it does not include in any costing and financial related process and calculation.
  • The system allows for posting an Item Journal with no cost.
  • Assign unique numbers to Job Work gate passes and capture essential details such as Challan details, LR/RR details, transporter information, and the mode of transport.
  • The system maintains inventory register for items and process parts / finished goods marked as job work item.
  • It allows to manage a dedicated storage location for inventory which helps to maintaining a systematic and organized approach to inventory management.
  • Enhanced role center / dashboard with cues, tasks and MIS reports.
  • Reports / MIS: Gate pass register, Inventory Register and job work related production order status and statistics.

At a glance